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Hubner & Allitsch
SteuerberatungsgmbH & Co KG

Leonhardstraße 104
8010 Graz

Tel: +43  316  338 338
Fax: +43  316  338 338 700

E-Mail: steuerberatung@hubner-allitsch.at

Office hours:
Mo – Do: 8.00 – 16.30 Uhr
Fr: 8.00 – 13.00 Uhr

Member of the Chamber of Public Accountants: WT-Code 805440

Active powers: Certified public accountant, tax consultant

Company register number: 356575a

Commercial register court: Regional court for ZRS Graz

Sales tax identification: ATU66205616
Data processing register: 797847

Design and technical implementation

Rubikon Werbeagentur GmbH